Each daily walk is different for my two terriers Boo and Eric. Some times I walk them, at others, my husband does.
If it's a normal working day for me, it can be a shorter walk, especially if it's raining or icy. It can be a very fast romp down the lane and through the village if I'm running late for work, and there's definitely not time for dawdling. Oh no.
Weekend walks are completely different of course. There's time for them to stop and sniff and track. For me there's time stop and stare...at the horizon, at the fields, at the sheep sheltering under the trees, to stop and talk to friends, both human and canine.
Now though, during lock down, every walk is like a weekend walk. When I would normally have been driving to work, a 45 minute trip each way, now I can be taking my time, and my cue from Boo and Eric.
Sometimes they like to turn left out of our gate, sometimes right. I don't mind as there are beautiful views and things to delight any which way we all choose.

On a hot day, it's important to have some shade....the cool air along the track by the church is pleasing...
Further on, the small lane lane invites us upwards
to what my youngest used to call "the top of the world"
Not quite, but it is a wonderful view, which never fails to please me. There's something different to see here every day...it may be a buzzard, different animals in different fields, or new crops in the fields.
Sometimes my wellies squelch through the mud, but this weekend the land is dry, the sort of bone dryness which cracks the earth. I turn my face to the sun, inhale the fresh warm air and listen to birdsong.
Sometimes we press on, this time not....but there's still plenty of room for the dogs to scamper off , to run, to chase a stick or two or to investigate the hedgerow.
As we come down from the hill I see my friend's field, with its newly laid hedging,which frames a timeless scene....
In a few minutes I'm back in the village, where there's a traffic jam, or what passes for one, in our village.
Farmer Phil and Jane are walking her sheep to another field....and there's also time to stop for a chat.
Our world may have changed forever this year, but this conservation village that I love, doesn't change all that much. Farmers still walk their animals through the village, there's community, greenery, space to be and plenty of it. and now during lock down, I have so much more time to appreciate it.
As for Eric and Boo, they don't know what's happening in the world, all they know is that I'm working from home, am spending far more time with them, and there's time for weekend walks every day......