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Friday 19 December 2014

Days of Bah Humbug

I've always loved Christmas. As a schoolchild I adored the rituals of early December...rehearsals for the school nativity play, the sheer agony of wondering what part I would get, singing at the top of our voices, and been given and allowed to eat a few sweets in our classroom.

When my own children were tiny, I'll never forget seeing my daughter as an angel in the playgroup production of the nativity...and my sons as shepherds.  Of making Christmas biscuits  with them on late dark December afternoons...and getting all of them around the tree to help decorate it. I loved those Christmases...and this special time of year has always filled me with an inner glow, if not panic about forgetting someone's present.

But I don't know what's going on this year. For the first time I've been feeling decidedly "bah humbug" about Christmas. I've become increasingly annoyed with the early and constant bombardment of adverts on TV...and nothing would induce me to do some early Christmas shopping. I couldn't even think of any presents to buy.

 On the first day of December, all the Christmas songs came on the radiom and I seriously thought if I heard Slade's Merry Christmas again I would scream. By now, I was worried...had my seasonal spark disappeared for ever?

Then last week I went to Wistow, a lovely rural centre not far away

.My eyes lit up at all the Christmas plants and gardening gifts ,

and I even bought a few presents from here....

And as I drove home on a late December afternoon...I thought my Christmas mojo had made a comeback

But then, the spark stopped glimmering...and I felt quite out of sorts that I was turning into one of those people who had stopped loving Christmas, even though I'd organised the works Christmas party which was rather jolly.

I kept trying to find my inner Christmas glow without success, and I began to wonder whether it would ever return......


  1. Yes, of course it will! Christmases change as life changes, and I think the trick is in adapting to, and enjoying, the opportunities of those different sorts of Christmas. I intend to enjoy a relatively peaceful grown-up Christmas with grown-up family with plenty of time for sitting by fires reading books. That wasn't possible when the children were small. The frenetic sorts of Christmas with excited children can have a rest for a few years ....! Enjoy!

  2. I agree...Christmases change according to what stage you are in your life....and I've embraced them all. I think it's the sheer commercialisation of Christmas that has really riled me this year...

    As for quietly reading by the fire (Oh goodness that sounds bliss) .....I have seven humans and four dogs for Christmas!
