Thursday, 7 June 2012

Jubilee days 2012

Well, what a week it's been..and I can officially declare that I am now jubileed out. No more wall to wall coverage of the jubilee on television, or in the newspapers please. No, I mean it. It was lovely, despite the weather, and I thoroughly enjoyed the pomp and ritual in London,plus the more down to earth celebrations here in Leicestershire.

On Sunday I was working...visiting and broadcasting live from quite a few jubilee events . One was in Kibworth where the local pub ,The Coach and Horses,  transformed itself into a boat with funnels, life rafts, illuminated portholes and a bow.

The landlord Andrew Southerdon became the Admiral of the fleet and thousands of people turned in nautical gear of some sort or naval officers, ratings, gondoliers, pirates et al.  Slightly surreal as Leicestershire is one of the most landlocked counties in the country.

Nearly eighty tables under gazebos snaked down the main street of the village..and Michael Wood , the broadcaster and historian who based his " History of England" TV series there, was also present.

Katie Fforde, the romantic novelist described him on twitter as the thinking woman's crumpet.....and do you know what? After interviewing him, I can confirm she's right!

In Wigston I met a Queen.....who really got into the spirit of things....his name was Paul and he had the deepest voice.....

But on Monday, our village celebrated the Jubilee. With only twenty six houses, the celebrations were slightly more modest than those in London....

Children from the village got dolled up in fancy dress, and led by Tom and Michelle on trumpets, marched down from the twelfth century church to the village green....

to the modest marquee which seated eighty of us!

We all tucked into cornation chicken, salads, breads, puddings and we got through quite a lot of wine and beer....

There were union jacks everywhere...

Even the youngest baby there was very patriotic.... 

Apart from the flags there were a number of vintage cars on display too....some the men in our village have a thing about them.Willie, Brian, Tom and John are enthusiasts...and they have a lovely collection of classic cars between them.... 

Isn't she beautiful? 

And what about the Riley and the 1924 Rolls Royce at the end....

But there was a space, so my eldest son decided to put his classic, clapped out Saxo into the line up!

And as the sun came out, it was  time for fun and games on the green by the old village school....

A lovely day when the whole village gathered and celebrated in a very traditional way. Brilliantly  organised by Georgina Whitehead and Rhian Goodman... enjoyed by everyone... including all of my family , except for the boy in Australia...who rang just as we all gathered in the marquee. Such impeccable  timing...and he was able to join in a rousing chorus of Land of Hope and Glory..

What did you do for the Jubilee?

Today's track has to be this -Land of Hope and Glory...every time I hear this, it always moves me. Rousing, beautifully orchestrated, always instilling a way that the dirge that is" God save our Queen " never does.....


  1. Looks like a proper Jubilee celebration! I love how these things bring out the "Britishness" in us all! - B

    1. It was very traditional and lovely...and yes, "Britishness" reigned....

  2. I've never lived in a village but this is one of those times when I wish I did. That sounds fabulous. And we did have a sneak preview of Andrew's amazing boat pub. I popped over there for lunch with
    Pippa and it was already resplendent.

    1. You would have loved it Ros....adn yes , the boat pub in Kibworth was truly brilliant, if not barmy.....
