Sunday, 19 May 2013


Since schooldays, I've always loved Saturdays. Many of them spent playing in the park with my younger brothers, but it was also the  day when Mama (my mum) would often take me shopping.  It was a time when I could have a small slice of her all to myself. Sometimes, it was just grocery shopping, off in Mama's car...a Morris Minor, all leathery seats smell and the clickety click of the window wipers. Sometimes we would catch the bus to town and buy a new dress or coat, and she would give me the money to pay the driver...and oh didn't I feel grown up.

Growing up as a teenager and a convent schoolgirl in Africa, Saturdays meant freedom. Working in the city on a Saturday job selling books and magazines from 8am until 1.30pm and then walking to the beach for a long afternoon of sun, swimming, watching my friends surfing..and ice cold drinks from the cafĂ©.

University Saturdays began late ....usually after a very good Friday night out...but always ready to meet the gang for a walk from the campus into town....for a mooch about, for a drink....and then to get ready for Saturday night. The thought of staying in on a Saturday night was unheard of...they meant going to a gig, a disco, a bar or a party..

When I became a mother, Saturdays was all about our gang of lessons and tennis in the morning , a picnic, a village fete on summer afternoons or a winter walk in the park, all muffled up ....and then  for many years , the odd Saturday night out when we could get a babysitter. Out with friends for a meal, or going to friends' houses for supper....

Now, my Saturdays are still so precious. After a busy working week, Saturday mornings means nipping to the farm shop to buy something tasty for the weekend, perhaps a wine tasting here...

going to the allotment , walking the dog, being in the garden.

Sometimes there's the whole family gang of us for a meal, sometimes just Mr Thinking of the days and I sitting quietly with a glass of wine and a bowl of pasta.....but I love my Saturday nights at home.

And now in May , there's time after supper to just admire, appreciate and adore the lighter nights....I walked out into the garden at about eight o' clock last night...the light was extraordinary. Boo and I just stood there admiring the view

the colours in the garden...

and peered over our garden fence

and then we decided to make the most of a lovely evening , with a quick walk across one  of the fields which normally contains sheep ...Boo loved much room to run about in....
to momentarily lose track of us

Ah, there you are....

We walked back through the village and saw the lambs playing

Admired the blossom everywhere

Inhaled  the sweet smell of the grass, and surprised myself by inadvertently taking a photo as we walked along.. I love it...the lushness of the grass in it's all its abstract glory.....

I still love Saturday nights....I really do......

Today's track is from Chicago...a band whose music I appreciate even more every time I hear it. Here's Saturday in the park....with lovely memories of Saturdays gone by.....



  1. I love Saturdays too. There are some lovely memories here Bridget. Saturday was the day my father had charge of me. We would walk the dogs across the fields from one village to the next -a long way for little legs (mine, not his!)and through doing so he instilled in me his love of the countryside. Precious days to remember.

  2. Thanks Alex,...glad you liked the post. I can imagine you rushing to keep up with your dad. Of course we remember the unusual, but when I think of Saturdays I recall the mundane, normal things we did....but with that sense of security....
