Sunday, 1 January 2017

The first day of the New Year

The first day of a New Year. For me it's a day to look forward, to idly plan, to dream. It's that magical time of the year when it lies in front of me like a blank page, ready to be written on...a time of possibility. My friend Khush says her lovely mother had a favourite quote  "Tomorrow is the first page of a 365 page book, write a good one!"
Today hasn't been a good one weather wise. It has rained since first light, that persistent rain, coming in almost horizontally as I walked Boo and Eric. I was wrapped up with scarf, hat and waterproofs but those whips of  rain which caught my chin as we walked into the wind made me long for sunny skies. None of us enjoyed our walk today , even the dogs stopped at one stage , looking up at me as to say "you must be mad, let's get home."
I could only agree with them, so today we've given into the weather, and the dogs and I have been ensconced on the sofa, with Mama, my Mum in pole position on the chair in front of the fire, playing solitaire on my i pad. She's one of the generation who has always said ..."Oh I don't need the internet" but today has been different. Mama and I both love history, and earlier we were discussing who succeeded  Queen Anne, the poor Queen who lived to bury all of her children. What I didn't realise until I looked it up, that two of her daughters died of smallpox.
Mama was intrigued, and started reading all about on the internet. She doesn't have  a clue about how to use the i pad mind you, but I think a seed has been sown today about how much pleasure she could get from using it. Mama always loved to sit quietly playing patience, so when I offered to show her how to play a game of solitaire , she loved it and caught on quickly how to tap at the screen and play.
So perhaps a new journey for Mama into the big wide world of the internet? I reckon it could be a game changer for a woman who is going to be celebrating her 87th birthday on Tuesday!
For me, I'm dreaming of journeys too. Waiting for my holiday coming up soon, which will take to Thailand again. Planes, trains, ferries and buses to six different locations over four weeks. I really can't wait, because this is one of the islands I shall be staying on later this month...with such happy memories of two years ago.
 Each part of the journey will be different, some to familiar places which we already know and love , but others will be to somewhere new. Yes, there's that sense of anticipation  about whether those places will match up to our expectation, but I also want to make the most of the journeys there too.
From the ferries I will admire the coast lines and enjoy the chug chugging of the engine as we move from island to island. From  the coach and train there's the chance to catch glimpses of workaday lives , and when we get to our destinations , I'm going to savour every moment, whether I'm just gazing out to sea at sunset, people watching, swimming or laughing..
Getting back to Khush's Mum, her other favourite quote was "start each day with a grateful heart." A wise woman indeed and on my journey through 2017, wherever I go, I'm going to remember that too.
A very happy 2017 to everyone reading this blog...enjoy the journey!

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