Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Diary days with Sarah Raven

Gosh, December arrives tomorrow which can mean only one thing. I need to get my skates on when it comes to Christmas. I've actually started buying presents, which is early for me, and even Christmas cards and stamps have been are bought and are in a drawer ready to write.

But there's more. I really am being even more organised, thanks to a mystery parcel which arrived last week from sarahraven.com 

Sarah Raven grow, cook, eat diary 2022

 I was thrilled to see it contained a diary and a calendar for 2022, which I've already put to use. 

I always had a work diary of course, but would wait until what I call the fag end days of the year between Christmas and New Year to buy a personal one. I won't be doing that this year though! Not with this little beauty...

I've been a fan of Sarah Raven for years...she is a botanist, garden expert, cook, and writer who from sowing and growing her own food for years, has developed a lifestyle business selling seeds, bulbs and, homewares that you just have to buy. Sarah also runs cookery and gardening courses.

Back to the glossy diary, which is A5 in size. Perfect for me, easy and light enough to carry in a handbag.  Anything smaller is far too fiddly and piddly -  I need space for important dates and notes, so like the fact there is a generous two-page spread for each week of the year. 

At the beginning of each month in the diary, there are beautiful shots of flowers and plants by photographer Jonathan Buckley, who is a long-time collaborator with Sarah Raven. 

Also, there is a list of jobs to do in the garden at the beginning of each month as well as a seasonal recipe to try. I won't be waiting until August to make the delicious-sounding blackcurrant and almond cake featured though....luckily I've still got a few pounds of blackcurrants in my freezer, so will make that fairly soon.

Another feature of the diary I like is the sowing and planting guide for each month, whether you're growing flowers, fruit, vegetables, herbs, or bulbs, and the best techniques to do so. There's even a flexible ruler to help with sowing and planting too. So handy for measuring the right depths and spacings to plant seeds, bulbs etc.

I know more and more people rely on their electronic diaries, but they are not for me. I prefer the sense of order and calm as I write in a paper diary., there's more of a connection between my thoughts and what is on the paper.

Sarah Raven's garden and cookery year calendar 2022

I adore this cover of Sarah Raven's wall calendar for 2022. If ever there was a photograph to fill you with hope and motivation for the coming year, this is it.

Last year I didn't buy a wall calendar...well, with so many lockdowns, we weren't going out much, and there weren't as many parties, outings or dates to remember. 

Now though, I will be more organised as the calendar is up on the kitchen noticeboard. 

I'm not one to wish my life away, but it's nice to think of a new year, a fresh start, more flowers and fruit and vegetables to grow, new recipes to try and holidays to plan isn't it? 

Before I get too carried away, there's Christmas to concentrate on though, and I can't think of a nicer present to give to receive than a good, practical paper diary or an attractive wall planner for anyone who wants to be more organised next year.

The diary costs £12.95 and the calendar costs £9.99 - I was sent these for review.

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